The major ethnic groups in the region are; The granitic formation, which is a component of the above, underlies about 65% of the region. In relation to industry, 87.6 per cent of the children are involved in agriculture including hunting, forestry and fishing, while 7.1 per cent are in the private household industry, 2.7 per cent are in wholesale and retail trade and 2 per cent in manufacturing. Bongo is a more compact district, in terms of land area, than Bolgatanga. Capital Tamale, the capital, is the country's fourth largest city. Other major towns in the region include Navrongo, Paga, Bawku and Zebilla each headed by a Municipal/District Chief Executive. Most working children in the district are mainly self-employed without employees (61.4%), unpaid family workers (35.1%) and domestic employees (1.6%). In the districts, the highest proportion of currently married is 67.5 per cent in Bawku West and the lowest is 57 per cent Bongo. There are six major ethnic groups in Ghana's population. Overcrowding carries with it health risks and social implications, and District Assemblies should do everything possible to maintain a housing policy that will maintain the current adequate sleeping space and even improve upon it. Central. The Dagbanli and Mampelle languages of Northern Region for instance, are mutually intelligible with the Frafra and Waali languages of the Upper East Region of Ghana. Household facilities and amenities The proportion of households occupying three or four rooms is highest (45.2%) in Builsa and Bongo (44.1%) and lowest (20.4%) in Bawku East. Three districts, Builsa, Bawku East and Bawku West have occupancy ratios of 1.7 persons per room, while Kassena-Nankana has the highest ratio of 2.0. There are two main irrigation projects, the Vea Project in Bolgatanga covering 850 hectares and the Tono Project in Navrongo covering 2,490 hectares. Employees and the self-employed with employees (who could be taxed at source) make up only 9 percent. Eastern. It is the nerve centre of all commercial activities in the whole of the Northern Sector of Ghana. Other major towns in the region include Navrongo, Paga, Bawku and Zebilla. Culture of the region is projected through the medium of arts, music and dance. Education (2.8% for males) and hotels and restaurants (1.8 % for females) deserve mention as the fourth major activities in the region. The economically employed population age of 15 years and above is 71.8 percent, People live in dispersed settlements and do subsistence farming in and around their houses. The number of children working represents a little over one in three (34.0%) of the total population aged 7-14 years. 45 seconds. Yes. The Akans are the largest ethnic group in Ghana and they are found in the Ashanti region. All other methods of disposal are put into the category Other. Also, it shares boundaries with Bawku West district, the Republic of Togo, Burkina Faso, and Garu community to the North, East, West and the South respectively. These three factories are not operational and have been earmarked for divestiture. This should be a matter of great concern. It is located in the saprock and typically under semi-confined to confined conditions. Persons who are not economically active are mainly homemakers (38.3%) and students (19.4%). The proportion of males of school going age who are working is 35.3 per cent and that of females is 32.7 percent. The proportion of the not economically active that is students ranges from 13.0 per cent in Bawku West to 22.5 per cent in Bolgatanga. The JSS/SSS ratio is even less than a tenth (297 communities with JSS compared with 27 communities with SSS). Mobile telephone services are available in only a limited number of localities, with Spacefon and Ghana Telecoms One Touch systems operating from Bawku, Bolgatanga and Navrongo. Kassena-Nankana Nearly three-quarters (71.8%) of the working children in Kassena-Nankana are agriculture and related workers, 18.1 per cent service workers, 5.1 per cent production and transport equipment workers and 4.1 per cent sales workers, The most important industrial activity of the children is agricultural and related activities, including hunting forestry and fishing (72.8%), followed by private household (13.9%), wholesale and retail trade (4.5%) and manufacturing (3.8%). In the country as a whole, the proportion is 8.5 per cent but in the two adjacent regions, Northern (21.3%) and Upper West (29.3%), the proportions are quite significant. Investors could therefore take advantage of this. It shares boundaries with Nabdam district to the East, Bongo community to the North, Kassena Nankana East district to the West, and Talensi community to the South. Navrongo also has a Health Research Centre. The Agbadza dance consists of five motions: the Banyinyi, Vutsotsor, Adzo, and Hatsatsa. The proportion that have ever attended school is higher in three districts (Bolgatanga, Kassena-Nankana and Bongo), than the regional average, and substantially lower in the Bawku East and the Bawku West Districts. About 39.0 per cent of households have only one or two sleeping rooms, with a variation from 19.1 per cent in the Bawku East, to 53.1 per cent in the Kassena-Nankana, District. All the fertility indicators observed for the region differ only slightly for each district except Bongo, where all the indicators are about twice that of the regional. In Builsa the age dependency ratio is 94.3, and the populations aged below 15 years and aged 65 years and above are 42.3 per cent and 6.3 per cent respectively. Household sizes are generally large in each of the districts. The highest proportion of mud/earth use is in Bongo (97.3%) while the lowest is in Bolgatanga (81.6%). For the remaining households, the facilities available include a gutter in front of the house (21.1%) on the street/path in front of the house (39%) and the compound of the house (34.6%), (Ghana Statistical Service, 2002). The political administration of the region is through the local government system. Almost three in four of the economically active are self-employed without employee (74.5%). This is virtually the same as for the region where 92.3 per cent of persons aged 12-14 years are never married. In general, cement/concrete is more common in the more urbanized districts (Bolgatanga and Bawku East), while earth/mud is more common in the more rural districts (Builsa, Bongo and Bawku West). Districts in the Eastern Region of Ghana and their capitals. This traditional dance is performed by the Ewe tribe of the Volta Region. This proportion is twice as large as the regional proportion of 10.5 percent. The orthodox health service in the region is organised in a four-tier system: regional, district, sub-district and community levels. Additionally, Talensi-Tongo, Gurune (fra fra)-Bolgatanga, and Nadams-Nangodi are part of its ethnic groups. NorthernGhana comprises the three northernmost administrative regions of Ghana:the Upper West Region, Upper East Region and Northern Region.These lie roughly north of the Lower Black Volta River, which together with its tributaries the . The Districts are further subdivided into Area/Town Councils/Unit Committees , Talensi-Nabdam (carved out of Bolgatanga) with its capital at Tongo and Garu-Tempane (carved out of Bawku East) with its capital at Garu Tempane, have been created. The proportion that attained Secondary/Teacher Training level varies from 3.0 per cent in Bawku West to 5.2 per cent in Kassena-Nankana. Climate migration, language policy, and language preservation in the upper regions of Ghana Both of these require careful and thorough preparation. The practice of preserving groves as forest cover, should be demystified and revived. Areas with clay deposits include Gambibgo, Zanlerigu, Yikini and Kalbeo. In the region and in each district, females constitute the higher proportion of the not economically active population because of the greater proportion of females who are homemakers. Ghana is one of the few African countries that do not require a visa to visit. Less than a tenth of the population of the region (8.5%) are widowed, consisting of 3 per cent males and 13 per cent females. Nationality. In Bolgatanga, there are 8 government, 3 religious organisation and 3 private clinics while 4 of the 10 clinics in Bawku West are government-owned and 3 are for religious organisations. 5. . People are likely then to seek assistance from the nearest facility including a traditional healer, or a licensed chemical seller, even if the particular emergency is outside the competence of that particular facility. Burnt bricks produced from clay deposits can be used in the development of cheaper housing, which is in line with the governments policy of developing the rural dweller using more local resources. The region is also known for its handicrafts such as northern kente weaving which is used in making smocks, basket weaving and a locally brewed beer known as Pito. Similarly, in Bawku East, among households with nine or more rooms, 56.8 per cent have ten or more members. Women of childbearing ages 15-49 comprise 24.9 per cent the total population of the region in 2000, compared with 23 per cent in 1984. There are two commercial quarries in the region namely, the Upper Quarry Limited located at Pwalugu on the Bolgatanga-Tamale road and the Granites and Marbles Company Limited located in Tongo. The three major industrial activities at the national level are agriculture, including hunting and forestry (49.1%) wholesale and retail trade (15.2%) and manufacturing (10.9%). Assin North Municipal. Such an employment structure poses a challenge for the effective mobilization of tax revenue as well as mobilization of capital for expansion and job creation. Total water for the year under review was 337,441.55m3 as against an annual target of 610,040. For the region as a whole, 77.8 per cent of usual household heads are males and this proportion ranges from 88.7 per cent in Bawku East to 64.3 per cent in Bongo. The private informal sector, especially agriculture and small-scale industries, is the largest source of employment in the region. The bedrock-weathered zone interface (quartz-veined aquifers) aquifer, which is the third major, is found in bedrocks. The region show that only 21.2 per cent of the population (15 years and older) are literate in either English only (12.9%), both English and Ghanaian language (6.6%) or Ghanaian language only (1.7%). Females head only about one-fifth (22.2%) of households in the region compared to the rate of about one-third (31.3%) for the country. Akans are the dominant inhabitants and natives of Eastern region and Akan, Ewe, Krobo, Hausa and English are the main spoken languages. The proportion of household members who are heads of households ranges from 11.4 per cent in Bawku East to 19.2 per cent in Builsa. About eighty per cent of the economically active population engages in agriculture. When the household disposes solid waste indiscriminately in the bush, along streets, at abandoned or uncompleted building sites or riverbanks, the method is termed Dumped Elsewhere. The picture is the same for all districts and for both sexes. At the JSS level, the proportion of trained teachers is 80 percent, ranging from 71.7 per cent in Kassena- Nankana to 94.4 per cent in Bawku West. The German minority population in Russia, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union stemmed from several sources and arrived in several waves. The region is entirely within the Meningitis Belt of Africa. Whereas almost one in every two localities in the region has a primary school, only one in every five has a JSS. About a tenth of economically active persons are either unpaid family workers (6.6%) or apprentices (3.7). The working children in the district are mainly self-employed without employees (61.7%), unpaid family workers (33%), domestic employees (1.9%), employees (1.6%) and apprentices (1.1%). The aquifer is characteristically phreatic or semi-confined depending on the mica and clay contents with high static water levels (1.5m 4.0m below ground level). The region also has a great potential in the area of cash crop production and fish farming. In the urban areas, gutters constructed, as storm drains along roads have also become receptacles for solid and liquid waste disposal, thus, becoming sites for mosquitoes and other pests to breed. Population sizes and densities are however not uniform in the districts. In each district, pupils from some of the localities need to travel four kilometres or more to attend school. Readand find out facts that you probably didn't know here. Some urban centres however decreased in population (e.g., Navrongo, Paga). Even in Kassena-Nankana where the White Fathers opened their first mission station at Navrongo in 1906, 55.4 per cent are traditionalists. About a fifth (16.6%) of the not economically active attribute their status to old age, while about 3 per cent each attribute it to a disability or the fact that they are on retirement/pension. The differences between the districts in the use of roofing materials. In a polygamous family, one mans death results in more than one woman becoming a widow, whereas one wifes death in the same polygamous family does not result in a man reporting himself as widowed. The significant differences are that none of the children is engaged in formal sector occupations such as professional and technical work, administration managerial or clerical work. The proportion of females reported as separated is slightly higher than that of males in each district, except Bongo. Builsa South district to the West, Bolgatanga community to the East and Burkina Faso to the North are part of the areas the community shares boundaries with. It is bordered to the south by the Northern Region, to the east by the Upper East and Northern Regions, and to the north and west by the Republic of Burkina Faso. The fact that females are increasingly assuming roles as heads of households does not mean that their role in decision making may also have increased, because the patriarchal system still marginalizes females in diverse ways. On the basis of this ideal situation, it would be appropriate to state that one to three person households would be expected to have at least one sleeping room, 4-6 households, at least two sleeping rooms, 7-9 person households at least three sleeping rooms and ten or more person households, at least four sleeping rooms. The proportion of eligible males who are never married ranges from 25.5 per cent in Bongo to as highas 36.0 per cent in Bolgatanga. non migrants) ranges from 86.7 per cent in Bolgatanga to 93.6 per cent in Bawku West. It is a community or population made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent. The proportion of households with six persons or more varies from 36.9 per cent in the Builsa, to 68.2 per cent in the Bawku East, District. Insufficient number of mechanized boreholes to meet water demand. This article is about the demographic features of the population of Ghana, including population density, nationality and citizenship, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace . In the region as a whole, children of head of household constitute 42 per cent of household members. This area has vast lands and suitable soil, which if properly exploited, would give high yield of rice. All the remaining thirteen industry groups (all others) make up 12 per cent of industrial activities in the region. The proportion of children surviving, however, is about 10.0 percentage points lower for the region. Bongo (10.3%), Builsa (6.5%) and Bawku West (6.1%) are the least attractive destinations of migrants. Upper East Region has a total population of 1,301,221 in the 2021 Population and Housing Census. This should involve the collection, analysis and dissemination of population data (baseline demographic surveys, registration of births and deaths), and population information dissemination programmes (awareness programmes on population problems, will encourage the use of population data). Bawku East also has the largest proportion of households with seven or more sleeping rooms (23.8 percent). The public and semi public sector employs an additional 4.2 percent. Three-fifths (60.3%) of the children are agricultural and related workers. It ranges between 4.8 per cent in Kassena-Nankana and 7.2 per cent in Bongo. About seven out of ten (70.5%) households have structures specifically set aside for the purpose. Rice, groundnut, millet, maize, and clay can be found in the municipality. Small-scale industries constitute the most important industries in the region. These are polished and used in the cladding of commercial buildings and monuments. They speak an Asanti dialect of Twi which is a language spoken by over ten million Asanti people as the first language. The proportion ranges from 68.6 per cent in Kassena- Nankana to 87.6 per cent in Bongo followed by 83.5 per cent in Builsa. Both the public and private (in or around the house) toilet facilities can be flush toilets (W.C), pit latrine, KVIP or bucket/pan latrines. 71 % are Christian, 18 % are Muslim, 5 % have indigenous/animistic beliefs, and 6 % belong to other religious groups/have no religious beliefs. The proportion of households with one or two rooms varies between 9.3 per cent in Bawku East to 37.4 per cent in Kassena-Nankana. The fractured zone aquifer is the deepest of the three aquifers. The reasons for this substantial imbalance may be that one woman dying results in only one male widowed in a monogamous marriage or no widow at all if the man is polygamous. 3. Bolgatanga has the largest proportion of households using electricity (19.5%), followed by Bawku East (15.2%). Their concentration is above the regional percentage share in only two districts, (Builsa, 3.9% and Bolgatanga, 1.7%). In the region as a whole, there are 654 communities with a primary school in the locality compared with 297 communities with a JSS, less than half the number. The Ashanti Tribe This is by far the largest tribe in Ghana numbering about seven million in total and nearly half the population of the entire country. Five regions constitute the savannah enclave of Ghana which is often referred to as the north, home to more than 30 ethnic groups but often treated as a homogeneous bloc because of the north-south . The Kassena and the Nankani, who make up 15.7 per cent of the regions population, together make up 88.3 per cent of the population of Kassena-Nankana. Dependency on all remaining sources of water is above 10 per cent in all the districts, with 13.4 per cent in Builsa as the lowest proportion and 20.0 per cent in Bawku East as the highest. Since 92.3 per cent of the population aged 12-14 are never married, however, the data on marital status are presented only for the population 15 years or older. Until 1984, Burkina Faso, meaning "Land of Incorruptible People" was known as . Over-crowding can however be seen also from the angle of the age and sex distribution of household members and thus the amount of privacy adult household members can enjoy. The proportion of employees for the region is a third that of the country. Four in five (80.3%) communities in the region have access to a clinic or maternity home within 15 kilometres of the locality, with Bongo having the highest of 98.7 per cent and Bawku East the lowest (70.7%). The Kusasis make up 22.6 per cent of the regions total population, but they make up about 75 per cent of the population of Bawku West and 47.6 per cent of the population of Bawku East. They are thinly spread in the districts. A list of the top 8, 130+ sad rest in peace quotes for uncle who passed away, 100+ miss you sister quotes, messages, and texts to show your love, Painters in Ghana: 10 of the best visual artists in Ghana you should know, Nursing schools in Ghana: courses offered, fees, admission requirements 2022, US fraud trial begins over Elon Musk's 2018 Tesla tweets, 2023 wedding: Bride in high heels dances with energy at her wedding; folks say she over do am, "2 different people": Lady's pregnancy transformation has peeps in disbelief, Ghanaian preacher claims God has revealed to him that another pandemic is coming: Dont board buses. Chiana water system is currently running on one borehole and an additional borehole is needed as a matter of urgency. Asikuma-Odoben Brakwa. It is celebrated in the month of April by the people of Manya and Yilo Krobo in the towns of Krobo Odumase and Somanya, in the Eastern Region, located some 80 kilometers north of Accra. Bawku West to the East, mother District Talensi to the South, Bongo community to the North, and Bolgatanga community to the West are the areas the community shares boundaries with. The Chief of Kafaba in the East Gonja municipality in the Savannah Region, Kafabawura Seidu Yahaya, has been arrested by the Regional Police Command in connection with the lynching of a 90-year-old woman who was accused of being a witch. Pipe-borne water inside house includes water piped into the living quarters or house through an inside plumbing system. Localities with population 5,000 or more are classified as urban. Three out of four (74.0%) working children are in the private informal sector. This is most manifested between the . The Mossi are the most predominant ethnic group in Burkina Fasso, West Africa. Although there are 16 regions in Ghana, how many of them do you know? The capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as 'Bolga'. In Bawku East where the age dependency ratio is 110.0, the population under 15 years is 45.8 per cent and those 65 years and older is 6.9 percent. Distances from locality to nearest facilities. The two adjacent regions show similar deviations from the national picture. As for the ethnic groups and tribes in the Upper East Region of Ghana, there are seven major ethnic groups and more than eight languages. The highest proportion of 44.5 per cent is in Bawku West, while the lowest (33.5%) is in Bongo. Poultry is mostly local birds and domesticated guinea fowls. The overall picture, however, is that there is the need to do to increase the number of JSS facilities in order to reduce travel distance to not more than five kilometres. Bawku West, with the highest age dependency ratio of 116.1 has 46.4 per cent of its population aged below 15 years and only 7.2 per cent aged 65 years and over. Below is a list of Ghana demographics, showing the list of ethnic groups in Ghana and population percentage. Information on marital status is applicable to persons 12 years or older. The age structure of the population of the region indicates a broad base that gradually tapers off with increasing age. The five together make up 97.6 per cent of all occupations. In the other formal sectors, (private formal, NGO/International Organization, and others) males and females are represented in approximately the same proportions in each district. Bongo and Sandema. The Akan. They are the Grusi, Gurma, and the Mole-Dangbane. Below is a list of the Ghanaian people by ethnic origin. The relative importance of manufacturing and trade varies between districts. If fertility remained unchanged for the earlier 30 years or more, completed family size would be equal to total fertility rate. About 51 per cent of the regions population have access to potable drinking water. The age-sex ratios remain low till age 40-44 years when the ratios pick up again. Single person households form about 6 per cent in Builsa, Kassena-Nankana and Bolgatanga, and less than 5 per cent in the Bawku East (3%), Bawku West (4.2%) and Bongo (4.8%). Below is a list of ethnic groups in Ghana and where they migrated from. Migration flow is very low. About two per cent (1.9%) profess no religious affiliation, and less than one per cent (0.8 percent) belong to other religious groupings. Some of the dominant dialects include Nankani, Bisah, Kusal, Ndam, Kassem, and Gurune. The much-discussed educational difference between males and females in the region is due, as much to differences in initial enrolment, as to differences in school achievement. These crafts, varied as they are, include, pottery, basketry and smock weaving which is done at areas like Namoo, Zokko, Navrongo and Paga. Significantly, charcoal use in the region is relatively low, from 2 per cent in Bongo to 20.3 per cent in Bolgatanga. For example, a single parent sharing one sleeping room with his/her teenage child can be said to be crowding each other because of the lack of privacy whereas a couple with a two-year old child, occupying one sleeping room could be perceived as normal and therefore not overcrowded. The higher excess of female in the adult age groups within the region compared to the national picture may be due partly to long-term out migration of able bodied men to the southern regions of the country and to a lesser extent due to higher male mortality in ethnic conflicts. The Nabdam who form 30.5 per cent of the regions population, make up 94.2 per cent of the population of Bongo and 83.8 per cent of the population of Bolgatanga. That is why even though Bongo has only one doctor, the compactness of the district makes him available to most localities that are within 8 kilometres of the clinic. Disposal at a Public dump refers to the situation where the household disposes solid waste at a locally recognized place. The formal sector (public or private) is a source of employment for only a small fraction of the work force in each district. Solid and liquid waster disposal These are the same three districts with very low levels of school attendance. Seven out of ten (71.0%) are in the private informal sector. Irrespective of the various tribes and ethnic groups in the region, the people of the Upper East Region could design a regional programme that can bring those outside the region back home and such . The use of earth/mud is highest in Bawku West (88%) and lowest in Bawku East (41.7%), while the use of cement/concrete, is highest in Bawku East (54.4%) and lowest in Bawku West (9.4%). 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Articles E